The Chamber is excited to collaborate with the CROATIAN WOMEN’S ALLIANCE (CWA), whose goal is to connect and unite female leaders of Croatian networking associations across the globe into one powerful voice and to create a platform for future generations of leaders.
We have gathered a strong founding circle of associations from different parts of the world including; Sydney, New York, Toronto and Buenos Aires, just to name a few, where the Croatian diaspora have already created strong networks, businesses, political positions and societies, while continuously nurturing respect toward their Croatian roots, history and heritage, and always aiming to maintain connections to the homeland – Croatia.
Please join us for a special online event on February 21, 2024 as we connect with women of Croatian heritage across the globe.
Meet our guest speakers, who will present their personal and professional paths, and share their story.
Ms. Martina Dalić
Management Board President
Ms. Marijana Šarolić Robić
Attorney at Law
Meet the leaders of the ALLIANCE
Sonja Palic
AUS-NZ Croatian Women In leadership, Chairperson, Co-Founder (Australia & New Zealand)
Wanita Kelava
Canadian-Croatian Chamber of Commerce, Manager (Canada)
European Union Chamber of Commerce in Canada, Member of the Board of Directors
One Croatia, Member Representative
Dr. Jelena Nadinic
CACIC Cámara Argentino Croata de Industria y Comercio, Executive Secretary
CROACTIVAS, Red de mujeres croatas de Latinoamérica, Founder
Caroline Spivak
Croatian Women’s Network™/Mreža Hrvatskih Žena, Founder (Canada/global)
Martina Osmak
PWMN – Professional Women and Men Network, VP International Cooperation (Croatia)
Dinka Kalinic
ACAP – Association of Croatian American Professionals, Member Representative
One Croatia, Member Representative
New York 3pm – February 21
Toronto 3pm – February 21
Buenos Aires 5pm – February 21
London 8pm – February 21
Zagreb 9pm – February 21
Sydney 7am – February 22
Auckland 9am – February 22
For further details and to book your FREE ticket, please visit: